Cimarron Hills Fire Protection District 2025 Budget
Approved 12/11/2024
Line # | Line Item/Category | 2023 Audited | 2024 Projected | 2025 Approved |
1 | **BEGINNING BALANCE** | 3,683,403 | 4,199,550 | 4,256,814 |
_3 Month O&M Reserve & Tabor Included in Beginning Balance_ | ||||
<center>**Operating Revenue**</center> | ||||
2 | Fees | 12,600 | 17,876 | 10,000 |
3 | Donations | 0 | 434 | 0 |
4 | Reimbursements | 11,682 | 1,183 | 0 |
5 | Grants | 79,274 | 5,176 | 0 |
6 | Wildland Disaster Billing | 826,478 | 650,000 | 900,000 |
7 | Ambulance Billing | 438,086 | 700,000 | 586,000 |
8 | **TOTAL OPERATING REVENUE** | 1,368,120 | 1,374,669 | 1,496,000 |
<center>**Non-Operating Revenue**</center> | ||||
9 | Assessed Valuation | 168,329,110 | 243,669,250 | 245,164,490 |
10 | Mil Levy | 16.200 | 16.621 | 16.621 |
Operations General Fund (94%) | 3,205,223 | 4,210,379 | 3,830,386 | |
Capital Fund (6%) | 204,589 | 309,954 | 244,493 | |
11 | Property Taxes | 3,409,812 | 4,479,126 | 4,074,879 |
12 | Special Ownership Taxes | 358,241 | 350,000 | 235,000 |
13 | Deposit Interest | 171,083 | 230,000 | 132,000 |
14 | Insurance Recovery | 0 | 0 | 0 |
15 | **TOTAL NON-OPERATING REVENUES** | 3,939,136 | 5,059,126 | 4,441,879 |
16 | **TOTAL OPERATING & NON OPERATING REVENUES** | 5,307,256 | 6,433,795 | 5,937,879 |
17 | **TOTAL AVAILABLE RESOURCES** | 8,990,659 | 10,633,345 | 10,194,693 |
<center> **ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES**</center> | ||||
<center>**Administrative**</center> | ||||
18 | Audit & Consulting | 14,600 | 15,400 | 18,375 |
19 | Awards, Incentives & Events | 10,467 | 15,300 | 15,300 |
20 | Bank Service Charges | 1,523 | 355 | 0 |
21 | Payroll Service Charges | 5,916 | 6,460 | 7,760 |
22 | County Treasurers Fees | 51,147 | 69,250 | 61,123 |
23 | Data Automation Support | 24,776 | 29,950 | 32,418 |
24 | Election | 2,072 | 20,000 | 45,000 |
25 | Legal Fees & Notices | 4,281 | 18,000 | 20,000 |
26 | Office Supplies and Equipment | 9,248 | 8,500 | 9,846 |
27 | Tax Refunds | 9,014 | 20,000 | 20,000 |
28 | **Total Administrative** | $133,044 | $203,215 | $229,822 |
<center>**Operations**</center> | ||||
29 | Utilities | 23,462 | 25,800 | 33,000 |
30 | Fire Rescue Operations | 16,985 | 8,000 | 11,200 |
31 | Wildland Fire Operations | 125,965 | 226,500 | 311,500 |
32 | Insurance | 24,379 | 27,365 | 38,400 |
33 | EMS/Medical Operations | 48,606 | 48,000 | 64,500 |
34 | Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Operations | 29,739 | 22,500 | 32,300 |
35 | Structures, Roads and Grounds Operations | 14,670 | 15,000 | 18,500 |
36 | Communication Operations | 36,985 | 40,000 | 42,518 |
37 | Vehicle & Apparatus Fuel | 29,817 | 27,000 | 35,000 |
38 | Salary | 2,750,710 | 3,519,008 | 3,704,554 |
39 | Benefits | 700,433 | 806,870 | 894,286 |
40 | Unemployment Insurance | 0 | 0 | 250 |
41 | Workers Compensation Insurance | 65,817 | 74,000 | 109,799 |
42 | Health and Wellness Program | 21,504 | 27,489 | 30,300 |
43 | Director Stipend | 5,600 | 9,400 | 12,000 |
44 | Uniforms | 22,753 | 17,000 | 28,250 |
45 | **Total Operations** | $3,917,425 | $4,893,932 | $5,363,340 |
<center>**Maintenance**</center> | ||||
46 | Structures, Roads & Grounds Maintenance | 19,524 | 15,000 | 21,900 |
47 | Vehicle & Apparatus Maintenance | 76,494 | 88,300 | 86,300 |
48 | **Total Maintenance** | 96,018 | 103,300 | 108,200 |
<center>**Training & Association**</center> | ||||
49 | Training | 80,521 | 81,000 | 109,500 |
50 | Recruiting, Testing, and Hiring | 1,322 | 500 | 2,760 |
51 | Association/Subscription Services, Fees, and Dues | 2,943 | 3,500 | 4,310 |
52 | **Total Training & Association** | 84,786 | 85,000 | 116,570 |
<center>**Prevention, Safety & Community Services**</center> | ||||
53 | Plans, Permits & Code Compliance Inspections | 887 | 0 | 500 |
54 | Fire Investigations | 1248 | 0 | 1,000 |
55 | Fire Prevention Education | 4,422 | 5,187 | 5,500 |
56 | Community Outreach | 8,215 | 8,000 | 11,850 |
57 | **Total Fire Prevention and Community Outreach** | $14,772 | $13,187 | $18,850 |
58 | **Total Operating** | $4,246,045 | $5,298,634 | $5,836,782 |
59 | **Total Debt Service** | 0 | 0 | 0 |
<center>**Capital Purchases**</center> | ||||
60 | Structures, Roads & Grounds | 4,100 | 831,900 | 600,000 |
61 | General Operations | 6,344 | 0 | 25,000 |
62 | Administrative Operations | 0 | 0 | 0 |
63 | Communications Operations | 4,934 | 5,817 | 15,000 |
64 | Vehicles & Apparatus | 222,239 | 13,570 | 570,000 |
65 | Personal Protective Equipment | 33,483 | 30,206 | 0 |
66 | Wildland/Disaster Operations | 23,729 | 187,704 | 30,000 |
67 | EMS Operations | 75,958 | 8,700 | 130,000 |
68 | **Total Capital Outlay** | $370,787 | $1,077,897 | $1,370,000 |
69 | **TOTAL EXPENSES/EXPENDITURES** | $4,616,832 | $6,376,531 | $7,206,782 |
70 | **ENDING FUND BALANCE** | $4,199,550 | $4,256,814 | $2,897,911 |
_3 Month O&M Reserve (Included in Beginning Balance)_ | 682,187 | 1,270,728 | 1,459,195 | |
_Tabor Reserves (Included in Beginning Balance)_ | 98,062 | 144,755 | 216,203 | |